Maryland BOOST
Scholarships that close the
achievement gap
We are a coalition of Maryland parents, educators, schools, and concerned citizens who support Maryland BOOST, a state-run, state-funded scholarship program authorized by the Maryland legislature to provide educational options to income-eligible Maryland kids. We believe students should have access to high quality, affordable and diverse educational options because education is not one-size-fits-all.
Demand for BOOST scholarships hit an all time high in 2024. Join the Action Network to let our legislators know you want BOOST!
BOOST recipients
in 2022-23
FARMs-eligible families
(free/reduced meals)
Children of color; 1,000+ are
English-language learners or have special needs
20,000+ scholarships changing lives since 2016.
BOOST 2022-23:
- Nearly 3,250 recipients
- $34,608 average household income
- 100% FARMs* eligible
- 57% persons of color
- 1,000+ English-language learners or havespecial needs
- 21 of 23 counties + Baltimore City
(*Free and reduced meal eligible)
Hear from parents and students: BOOST is making a difference.